• Restoration Works is a Community of Hope program that provides employment opportunities to those who are experiencing homelessness in Huntsville.

    Community of Hope is working to end chronic homelessness in Huntsville by building a residential community to provide a permanent and affordable housing solution. Each resident who lives in this community will pay monthly rent. Restoration Works will provide consistent and accessible employment opportunities for residents, ranging from jobs throughout the community such as groundskeeping and cleaning, to artistic employment opportunities such as woodworking or painting!

    Restoration Works exists as a means to engage with our Huntsville neighbors who are experiencing homelessness through meaningful work. Currently, we meet monthly to create handcrafted goods together. The sale of these goods allows us to pay our neighbors an hourly wage to come work with us. We have big visions for expanding this program to include all sorts of additional employment opportunities as described above when COH plans come to fruition.

  • We meet monthly to create handcrafted goods with men and women experiencing homelessness in Huntsville. We pay our artists an hourly wage to come work with us.

  • If we throw money at the homeless crisis, or solely provide employment opportunities to help people earn money themselves, yet neglect to care for these individuals as emotional and spiritual beings, we’ve missed an opportunity. We don’t just want to see people lifted off the street into a home with 4 walls and roof. Our vision is even bigger than this! We want to see people fully restored into relationships and community. Our monthly gatherings are building an encouraging community, all while creating meaningful products that encourage not just those who purchase them, but those who created them as well.

  • Volunteer

    We are looking for regular volunteers to attend our monthly gatherings. Fill out the form here.


    Please consider donating by signing up for our earring subscription box!

    Please consider supporting our long-term mission in building a residential community for our chronically homeless neighbors.


    Please pray for our mission. Specific prayer requests:

    • That God would provide land to build the COH community

    • That God would build our Restoration Works community by bringing artists and volunteers together

    • That God would meet the material, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, and that they would have meaningful work and a safe home

    • That our community of artists and volunteers would have a spirit of service towards building one another up, and that all participants would leave each event encouraged by the hope we have in Christ

Jewelry Subscription Box
from $15.00 every month

Have you ever considered how your wardrobe can help make an impact in your city? 

Our monthly subscription box contains unique earrings handcrafted by our Huntsville, AL neighbors who are experiencing homelessness. Your support and subscription helps us pay these Artists an hourly wage to come work with us in a community-centered environment. We focus on building technical and relational skills with the ultimate goal of seeing our Artists housed and thriving in the Huntsville community.

One way you can jump in and help with our mission is to subscribe to our monthly earring box and wear your earrings around our city, telling your friends and family about the work we are doing at Community of Hope and Restoration Works. Each subscription box contains informational cards for you to use to spread the word.

To help our growing program save on shipping costs, our subscription boxes ship out every other month: February, April, June, August, October, December. Since we ship every other month, each box will contain 2 earrings. We ship on the 30th of each month. You must be subscribed by the 15th of the month to receive that month’s shipment. 

If you are local to Huntsville, AL and would like to help us save even more on shipping costs and put more savings into the future of our program, you can opt for a local pickup at Trav-Ad Signs (58 Shields Road, Huntsville, AL 35811) Local pickups will be available for you to pick up at your leisure, subject to shop hours, anytime after the 20th of the month (February, April, June, August, October, December).

Please note your support will be a recurring donation every month and you will receive the subscription box with 2 earrings every other month. Our suggested donation amount is $15 a month - this amount will cover our supplies, labor, and shipping costs. You may choose a donation amount (see drop down below). For any monthly donation amount over $15, the additional funds will be used to help us save for future equipment purchases to help us expand our product offerings. 

This monthly donation helps those in our city who are experiencing homelessness earn an hourly wage. Please also consider an additional monthly donation toward building a residential community that provides workforce development, supportive services, and housing to friends experiencing chronic homelessness in Madison County by supporting Community of Hope.

As a reminder, this listing is for a monthly donation (not a one-time amount). You will be billed monthly until cancellation.

Your Monthly Donation:
Subscribe Now


Note: Aliased names are used to protect RW Artist privacy.

"Emma came and found me after our Restoration Works event to tell me that she had been saving up for dentures, and the money she earned from Restoration Works today was the last savings she needed to go make this purchase next week."

restoration works VOLUNTEER form

Please use this form to contact Restoration Works about volunteering at our community events where we create our handcrafted goods, or if you have any questions. We will get back to you via email as soon as possible!